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Agile Poker for Jira: Review by Rodney Nissen
PPM & Process Improvement RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Rodney Nissen (TheJiraGuy) characterizes Agile Poker for Jira by Appfire as a solution that facilitates collaborative estimation, even for teams that cannot be physically present. In this review, he highlights that the app goes further by offering a mode that allows teams to estimate even when they are not online simultaneously.
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Whiteboards for Jira: Review by Rodney Nissen
PPM & Process Improvement RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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The whiteboard idea is not novel. The Whiteboards app is similar to solutions already existing in the market, such as Gliffy and Miro. However, what sets this app apart is its Jira Cloud Native nature, enabling it to seamlessly import and modify existing Jira issues and create new content on the whiteboard. 
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DevOps Decrypted Podcasts
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated February 24, 2023 0


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DevOps Decrypted is all about Development and Operations. The experts at Adaptavist talk about the ideas and concepts that have transformed the software development industry.
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Ultimate Ninja Guide to Atlassian tools
Administration & Migration C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Clearvision's Atlassian specialists have written the Ultimate Ninja Guide to Atlassian tools, which covers Jira, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, and Confluence. 
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Risk management workshops for agile teams
Software Development & DevOps A Appfire Updated March 09, 2023 0


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The issue with agile, particularly with sprints, is that teams are constantly under pressure to reach their next milestone. When someone suggests incorporating risk management, the idea may be dismissed as slow, cumbersome, and ultimately abandoned. This worksheet offers four workshops that are enjoyable and effective in identifying risks. 
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Selling agile transformation to upper management
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Creating and releasing new products or features consistently while meeting customer expectations is imperative for an organization's success. However, many organizations still work in ways that hinder their ability to achieve these goals. Change agents are embracing agile implementation worldwide to address this challenge. While the benefits of Agile are significant, it can be challenging to get executives on board with an Agile transformation. They may resist change and need convincing that Agile is the right approach for their organization.
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Kanban quick start guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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When new Agile teams with limited experience are formed, they often encounter similar challenges, especially in creating an operational workflow for managing work. To help these teams, we have created a quick start guide that focuses on leveraging the Kanban model and launching the team as quickly as possible. This white paper discusses key factors to consider when selecting an Agile model, the best way to launch a team with minimal effort, an iterative process for optimizing flow, techniques for maintaining and refining a Kanban board, and tactics for addressing inefficient workflow conditions. 
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Building blocks to boost your DevOps transformation
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated March 20, 2023 0


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DevOps aims to bridge the gap between the change-ready ideology of developers and the more cautious approach of operations. This eBook provides insights into developing a conducive culture and encouraging employee buy-in, ensuring the right talent and knowledge are in place, implementing continuous integration and delivery, promoting collaboration, prioritizing automation, and building a toolbox for DevOps success.
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Agile retrospective quick start guide
PPM & Process Improvement C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The Sprint Retrospective is a powerful technique within Agile development that enables teams to identify the causes of failures and continuously improve team performance. However, it is often under-utilized due to reasons such as fear of change, fear of failure, or lack of understanding. This white paper aims to provide insights into why the Retrospective is one of the most important tools within an Agile team's toolbox and recommendations for executing it effectively to instill a continuous improvement mindset.
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116 results - showing 85 - 96
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