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Delivering continuous quality
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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This guide provides insight on automating your quality assurance to deliver high-quality products faster. It is a valuable resource for individuals in management, development, or other areas of software development who want to understand the foundational principles of building quality into their work. 
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A practical guide to scaling Agile with Jira/Jira Align
PPM & Process Improvement C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Agile methodologies have enhanced productivity for individual teams for many years, with other business units and industries recognizing the value in customer-focused agile iterations. However, challenges arise as organizations seek to scale their agile practices beyond a few teams. This white paper explores the various options for scaling agile, including Jira, Jira with add-ons, and optimizing Jira to integrate with Jira Align to support your needs.
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Developing an agile organisation
Agile Transformation A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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Most organizations hope to be agile and adaptable to change. But what does it take to develop a truly agile organization, and why should leaders care? This session provides insights into the key elements of organizational agility and how to achieve them. 
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Jira 8 essentials: Effective issue management and project tracking with the latest Jira features
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Atlassian Jira is a tool that helps track bugs in software and mobile applications and manage project tasks. Jira Essentials, updated to Jira 8, is a comprehensive guide to using the tool effectively.
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Jira JQL basics and reference guide
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated March 06, 2023 0


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Jira Query Language (JQL) is utilized to search for Jira Issues that contain particular information. If you want to enhance your proficiency in working with Jira and easily find your Issues, then "Jira JQL Basics and Reference Guide" is the perfect book for you. It will help you become part of a distinguished group of professionals with extensive Jira JQL knowledge.
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Scaling Agile with Jira Align: A practical guide to strategically scaling agile across the enterprises
PPM & Process Improvement ET Editorial Team Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Jira Align is a platform designed specifically for enterprises to connect their strategy with execution, promoting transparency, consistency, and predictability at all levels of scale. The platform supports business value delivery in various agile frameworks such as LeSS, DAD, and SAFe. Also, it caters to organizations that mix agile with waterfall to support scaled bimodal delivery. This book starts by introducing you to the platform and its features. You will learn about the foundational building blocks of Jira Align and how organizations can benefit from implementing it. 
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Jira Core Workflows
Automation & Workflows ET Editorial Team Updated March 06, 2023 0


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Every organization utilizes processes to complete its work, and Jira Workflows provide an effective and efficient way to create and manage those processes. By automating many of the important but tedious aspects of the workflow, Jira Workflows help teams streamline their work and achieve greater productivity. This book takes a step-by-step approach to learning Jira Workflows. It starts with building a workflow and progresses to more advanced topics such as automation and customization.
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Developing an agile mindset with John Turley
Agile Transformation A Adaptavist Updated April 07, 2023 0


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John Turley is an experienced leader with a track record of driving real change and adding value to organizations at all levels. Dissatisfied with the standard discourse around transformation and agility, John is passionate about applying cutting-edge knowledge from diverse fields such as complexity, sociology, and psychology in practical, proven ways that drive tangible results. 
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