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Jira Service Management for software development teams
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated August 24, 2023 0


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In this webinar, Atlassian's Cathi Davey and Jeremy Cooley demonstrate how teams utilize Jira Service Management to enhance the intake of work such as bug reports and development ideas, improve incident response by integrating development teams into incident swarming, automatically track deployments for governance and compliance, and foster collaboration on the Atlassian platform tailored for innovative team collaboration.
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Ten ways to customize Jira and Confluence with Forge
Automation & Workflows A Atlassian Updated August 03, 2023 0


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Atlassian products can be tailored a lot, but with Forge, you can tweak them even more. Forge works with Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Confluence, and Compass, and this article gives you some ideas on using Forge to customize these products. 
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Navigating the Atlassian Cloud Sandbox
Administration & Migration ET Editorial Team Updated July 18, 2023 0


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In this article, Gal Fatal, an Atlassian expert and community leader, delves into best practices and explores several use cases for the Atlassian Cloud Sandbox. Whether you're a curious explorer seeking to expand your knowledge or an innovative developer, the sandbox provides an environment where limitless possibilities and experimentation is encouraged.
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Atlassian Impact: monthly podcast from Isos
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated July 18, 2023 0


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Listen to Atlassian Impact, Isos Technology's monthly podcast series. The Isos team, with their extensive experience and countless projects, has gained valuable insights through trial and error. Each month, the host Erin Philips, Isos' Director of Product Marketing, will engage in conversations with Atlassian experts. 
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A 2023 guide to Jira Burndown charts
BI & Reporting I iDalko Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Jira Software offers various tools for tracking performance and progress. One of its prominent features is the burndown chart, which visually represents the team's output in relation to projected work estimations during sprints and epics. This article explores the concept of burndown charts and their advantages, and provides guidance on creating and interpreting them. 
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A guide to improving code quality and collaboration on Your Development Team
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated June 05, 2023 0


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While code review is vital in maintaining code quality, the modern agile environment demands more collaborative efforts within development teams. Peer code review alone is insufficient. It is necessary to establish clear coding standards and comprehensively understand user requirements to uncover potential bugs, even with code reviews. This eBook delves into the significance of code quality and its integration within collaborative development processes.
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State of Software Quality - API
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 25, 2023 0


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The research, conducted by SmartBear, aims to identify the most recent benchmarks and gain valuable insights into the future direction of the API industry. The study examines the latest methodologies, practices, and tools software teams employ worldwide. The data was collected from a diverse group of over 1,100 API practitioners and customers representing various industries and companies of various sizes.
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How to innovate faster with API discoverability
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Most developers regularly use APIs, and many rely on third-party APIs. Building API ecosystems is increasingly valued by businesses. According to SmartBear, Expedia, for example, generates over 90% of its revenue through APIs. Discoverability plays a crucial role in the success of data-driven businesses, enabling developers to find, access, and utilize APIs effectively. This article explores the significance of API discoverability and provides insights on maximizing API adoption and success.
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When to build test automation and when to keep it manual
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Agile teams face the challenge of accommodating evolving requirements while constantly delivering new features. This raises a crucial question: should tasks be automated or performed manually? While automated tests offer speed, they require an initial setup and ongoing maintenance. This article explores the comparison between test automation and manual tests, offering a guide to assist you in determining the optimal testing approach for your project's test cases.
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Can your Test Management tool support an agile transition?
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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By adopting Agile principles such as collaboration, iterative development, and continuous feedback, you can effectively respond to changing requirements and market dynamics. However, these transitions take time and effort. Shifting from sequential, linear development to Agile can be daunting without the proper mindset and tools, including test management tools. This article delves into the testing challenges associated with digital transformations and guides on selecting the appropriate tools to navigate this transition successfully.
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The beginner’s guide to visual testing
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Many teams rely on automated functional tests to scale their efforts, but these tests often overlook an essential aspect: the visual appearance of the user interface (UI). Successful QA teams utilize automated visual testing tools (like SmartBear's VisualTest) to address this issue. These tools offer a faster and more reliable way to ensure a high-quality user experience.
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