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How to innovate faster with API discoverability
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Most developers regularly use APIs, and many rely on third-party APIs. Building API ecosystems is increasingly valued by businesses. According to SmartBear, Expedia, for example, generates over 90% of its revenue through APIs. Discoverability plays a crucial role in the success of data-driven businesses, enabling developers to find, access, and utilize APIs effectively. This article explores the significance of API discoverability and provides insights on maximizing API adoption and success.
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Can your Test Management tool support an agile transition?
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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By adopting Agile principles such as collaboration, iterative development, and continuous feedback, you can effectively respond to changing requirements and market dynamics. However, these transitions take time and effort. Shifting from sequential, linear development to Agile can be daunting without the proper mindset and tools, including test management tools. This article delves into the testing challenges associated with digital transformations and guides on selecting the appropriate tools to navigate this transition successfully.
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The beginner’s guide to visual testing
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Many teams rely on automated functional tests to scale their efforts, but these tests often overlook an essential aspect: the visual appearance of the user interface (UI). Successful QA teams utilize automated visual testing tools (like SmartBear's VisualTest) to address this issue. These tools offer a faster and more reliable way to ensure a high-quality user experience.
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The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing
Software Development & DevOps A Appfire Updated March 10, 2023 0


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Agile Project Management is an iterative and incremental approach to software development projects supported by a cross-functional team. It allows for flexibility and frequent delivery of product iterations, and enables teams to respond to changes quickly. Agile follows a framework, with detailed project planning and estimation for each sprint before execution. Accurate estimation is important for planning and managing the effort to deliver a new feature or product.  This extensive article covers four methods for estimating work: Planning Poker, Asynchronous, Relative Estimation, and Bucket Sizing, with explanations on how to use each approach.
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Agile Poker for Jira: Review by Rodney Nissen
Software Development & DevOps RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Rodney Nissen (TheJiraGuy) characterizes Agile Poker for Jira by Appfire as a solution that facilitates collaborative estimation, even for teams that cannot be physically present. In this review, he highlights that the app goes further by offering a mode that allows teams to estimate even when they are not online simultaneously.
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Whiteboards for Jira: Review by Rodney Nissen
Software Development & DevOps RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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The whiteboard idea is not novel. The Whiteboards app is similar to solutions already existing in the market, such as Gliffy and Miro. However, what sets this app apart is its Jira Cloud Native nature, enabling it to seamlessly import and modify existing Jira issues and create new content on the whiteboard. 
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6 results - showing 1 - 6