The demystification of Atlassian Cloud: How to choose the right plan for your organization

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The demystification of Atlassian Cloud: How to choose the right plan for your organization
The demystification of Atlassian Cloud: How to choose the right plan for your organization
The demystification of Atlassian Cloud: How to choose the right plan for your organization


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More than 90% of new Atlassian customers opt for the cloud deployment option due to its benefits of faster start-up, increased productivity, streamlined administration, and efficient scalability. As Atlassian phases out Server, the company is increasingly focused on enhancing its cloud offerings, driving more existing customers to shift from Server and Data Center. Atlassian has a cloud offering for teams of all sizes, from less than ten to tens of thousands, and over 80% of Fortune 500 companies use Atlassian tools within the cloud.
In this white paper, you will learn which type of company is best suited for each of the following plans: Cloud Free, Cloud Standard, Cloud Premium, and Cloud Enterprise. The course provides a high-level overview of each of the three paid offerings (Standard, Premium, Enterprise), key differences that impact all products within that tier, differentiators by product, challenges an organization might encounter, the functionality needed to move up to a higher tier of service, and more!

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