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What are billable hours and why should I track them (with Jira)?
PPM & Process Improvement A Actonic Updated September 18, 2023 0


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For many professionals, including freelancers, accountants, lawyers, advertising firms, PR agencies, and consultants, precise time management is crucial. It plays a pivotal role in internal project coordination and, more importantly, in properly billing client services. This post delves into the nuances between billable and non-billable hours, outlines the activities you can charge for, and underscores the importance of monitoring your billable hours.
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Jira and ChatGPT: How to triage Jira tickets automatically
Automation & Workflows ET Editorial Team Updated September 13, 2023 0


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The article shows how to integrate OpenAI's ChatGPT with Jira Service Management and to automate ticket triage. It covers the benefits of using AI for this purpose, the steps for integration, financial considerations, and future prospects. 
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A 2023 guide to Jira Burndown charts
BI & Reporting I iDalko Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Jira Software offers various tools for tracking performance and progress. One of its prominent features is the burndown chart, which visually represents the team's output in relation to projected work estimations during sprints and epics. This article explores the concept of burndown charts and their advantages, and provides guidance on creating and interpreting them. 
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Everything to know about Jira bulk edits
Administration & Migration A Appfire Updated April 08, 2023 0


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This article by Rachel Wrigth highlights the importance of using bulk edit capabilities in Jira to effectively manage thousands of issues and keep them updated and in sync with reality. It addresses common challenges teams face in ensuring accurate data in Jira and dealing with an overwhelming backlog. 
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Time is Money: Why time management still matters for all teams
PPM & Process Improvement BP Blended Perspectives Updated April 07, 2023 0


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This webinar challenges the skepticism surrounding time recording and reporting in agile teams. The hosts, in collaboration with Tempo, the market leader in the timesheet category for Atlassian, believe that time management best practices can lead to high-performance teams.
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Project and portfolio resource management in BigPicture
PPM & Process Improvement A Appfire Updated April 11, 2023 0


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This white paper discusses the challenges faced by organizations in resource management and how appropriate software tools like BigPicture and Jira can help increase resource management capabilities. The paper provides insights into the five maturity levels in portfolio resource management and highlights the risks and challenges associated with software tools implementation. 
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Total Support for your Atlassian tools
Administration & Migration C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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In organizations that have implemented Jira, IT teams and key stakeholders may find themselves managing the tool as an additional responsibility. However, this can become increasingly challenging to scale and manage over time. In a brief recording, Jake Churcher, a Product Manager and IT specialist, provides insights on avoiding becoming solely responsible for Jira and accumulating a backlog of projects and other obligations.
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Journey to the Connected Enterprise with Jira Align
PPM & Process Improvement A Atlassian Updated March 10, 2023 0


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This whitepaper by Atlassian and Valiantys explores the changing work landscape. It provides insights on how to transform your organization to take advantage of market changes to benefit customers and competitiveness.
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Agile Poker for Jira: Review by Rodney Nissen
PPM & Process Improvement RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Rodney Nissen (TheJiraGuy) characterizes Agile Poker for Jira by Appfire as a solution that facilitates collaborative estimation, even for teams that cannot be physically present. In this review, he highlights that the app goes further by offering a mode that allows teams to estimate even when they are not online simultaneously.
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