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Leveraging the benefits of Atlassian Cloud to transform your business
Agile Transformation P Praecipio Updated April 11, 2023 0


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The benefits of cloud computing are undeniable, from cost savings to improved security. This webinar explores the advantages of Atlassian Cloud and how it helps organizations overcome challenges faster, increase business agility, and drive continuous innovation.
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Enterprise user management for the Atlassian ecosystem
Marketplace Apps & Reviews R re:solution Updated March 22, 2023 0


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This long-form article delves into the growing challenge of user-driven security threats caused by the rapid adoption of business technologies. It highlights the vulnerability of password-based authentication and provides essential recommendations to minimize risks, including the adoption of re:solution's SAML Single Sign-On.
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Use Atlassian tools to streamline systems development processes
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated February 28, 2023 0


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This short paper covers various aspects of having a successful digital transformation, including the importance of teamwork, using the right tools, structured group decision making, focus on team objectives, increased job satisfaction, enhanced collaboration, daily task management, and flexibility to grow with the Atlassian Platform plus Apps and APIs. 
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Five best practices for merging Atlassian instances in a Cloud migration
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated February 28, 2023 0


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Learn about consolidating Atlassian environments before or during a cloud migration. The process can be challenging, but it is crucial to ensure a high-performing environment that promotes best practices in ITSM, DevOps, and Agile development. This webinar by Isos Technology features industry experts who discuss merging instances and the business impacts of consolidation. 
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Five rules for cleaning and organizing your Atlassian house
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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Are you considering a little fall cleaning in your Jira or Jira Service Management (JSM) instance? Perhaps it has become cluttered with too many projects, fields, workflows, and schemas, or maybe there is little consistency in how various teams in your organization have implemented Agile and ITSM practices. Listen to this webinar and learn from Jira administrators and other experts on how to make your Atlassian setup shine.
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A foundational guide to site reliability engineering, service level objectives and indicators
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 03, 2023 0


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DevOps and SRE are complex fields, but using SLOs provides a straightforward method for defining, measuring, and managing reliability. This ensures that customer expectations are met while building and running. However, while DevOps has a distinct way of thinking, job titles, processes, practices, and tools, it lacks prescriptiveness. In this white paper, you will learn how to transform DevOps from build to run, key concepts in Site Reliability Engineering, prevent issues during implementation and testing, and automate SRE with SLOs as a service to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Site Reliability Glossary. 
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Practical recommendations for cleaning and organizing your Atlassian instance
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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This white paper by Isos Technology delves into the issue of clutter accumulation in organizations that utilize Atlassian tools, which can hinder the ability to make changes to these tools. It explores the difficulties that arise when Atlassian instances become disorganized and provide practical guidance for cleaning up Jira Service Management, Jira, and Confluence. 
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Essential best practices for Data Center migration
Administration & Migration A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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Are you planning to move to Atlassian Data Center but feeling overwhelmed by the migration process? This webinar shares essential tips, expert technical insights, and a proven blueprint for ensuring a stress-free Data Center migration. 
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Seven important reasons to start consolidating your instances and how it’s done
Administration & Migration V Valiantys Updated April 08, 2023 0


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In this white paper, Valiantys provides guidance on preparing for a consolidation project in seven steps, including calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO), return on investment (ROI), and other benefits. It is important to define a clear scope for the project to ensure success.
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Five absolutely non-negotiable prerequisites to getting DevOps right
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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DevOps practices are becoming increasingly popular, with many high-performing IT teams implementing some form of DevOps processes and tools. However, DevOps is not just about IT - it's a way for IT to solve business problems. To get DevOps right, fundamental prerequisites rely on business stakeholders outside of IT, which are often poorly understood. This white paper explores five of the most critical DevOps prerequisites that any organization considering or adopting DevOps must address.
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Advanced Scrum Master practice guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The role of the Scrum Master is complex and often misunderstood in organizations adopting the Scrum framework. Becoming an Advanced Scrum Master requires specific abilities to improve the team and the entire Agile/Scrum community. This white paper is designed for ambitious Scrum Masters seeking to advance their skills and expertise. 
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Improving your Agile ceremonies
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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This guide offers tips on how to improve your Agile ceremonies, including backlog refinement, sprint planning, daily stand-ups, retrospectives, sprint reviews, and demos. By enhancing your Agile ceremonies, you can boost team morale, increase productivity, implement the right things correctly, reduce the need for changes down the road, and make customer and stakeholder feedback a central part of your development. 
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178 results - showing 73 - 84
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