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Use Atlassian tools to streamline systems development processes
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated February 28, 2023 0


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This short paper covers various aspects of having a successful digital transformation, including the importance of teamwork, using the right tools, structured group decision making, focus on team objectives, increased job satisfaction, enhanced collaboration, daily task management, and flexibility to grow with the Atlassian Platform plus Apps and APIs. 
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Five keys to strategic alignment and enterprise agility using OKRs
Agile Transformation C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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This white paper emphasizes the importance of strategic alignment for achieving enterprise agility. The creation and communication of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are crucial for the effective mapping of strategic goals down to individual tasks carried out by employees. OKRs help cut through politics, change management, reduce friction between teams, and improve engagement across the enterprise. The white paper encourages businesses to adopt OKRs as a practical tool for goal setting and strategic alignment.
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Jira Work Management 101
Agile Transformation ET Editorial Team Updated April 07, 2023 0


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This webinar introduces Jira Work Management for Cloud as a user-friendly way to manage business projects. It covers product features, including a new calendar view, a roadmap for visualizing project sequences, a Kanban board, and customizations. 
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How to get the most value from your Atlassian investment
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated March 06, 2023 0


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For the organization, partnering with a solution provider allows you to focus on your core business while the partner manages your Atlassian tools. This saves you money on full-time employees and accelerates your time to market. You can also expand your tools to other business units, creating a more cohesive and streamlined approach to your business processes.
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4 results - showing 1 - 4