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Hear Reddit and Atlassian discuss unifying distributed teams with Atlassian Together
Agile Transformation A Atlassian Updated April 10, 2023 0


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  • Webinar / Session
  • Interview / Opinion
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Achieving seamless collaboration and teamwork between business and tech teams is difficult for most enterprise organizations. This is because these teams often work on different platforms and use disconnected tools, leading to work and app silos that hinder cross-company collaboration and make it expensive. Atlassian Together is crucial for the secure and prosperous future of Atlassian customers like Reddit.
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Use Atlassian tools to streamline systems development processes
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated February 28, 2023 0


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White Paper / Book
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This short paper covers various aspects of having a successful digital transformation, including the importance of teamwork, using the right tools, structured group decision making, focus on team objectives, increased job satisfaction, enhanced collaboration, daily task management, and flexibility to grow with the Atlassian Platform plus Apps and APIs. 
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2 results - showing 1 - 2