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12 results - showing 1 - 12
What are billable hours and why should I track them (with Jira)?
PPM & Process Improvement A Actonic Updated September 18, 2023 0


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For many professionals, including freelancers, accountants, lawyers, advertising firms, PR agencies, and consultants, precise time management is crucial. It plays a pivotal role in internal project coordination and, more importantly, in properly billing client services. This post delves into the nuances between billable and non-billable hours, outlines the activities you can charge for, and underscores the importance of monitoring your billable hours.
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Five ways to monitor daily activity in Jira [brief guide]
PPM & Process Improvement IG Inna Gordin Updated September 12, 2023 0


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For businesses, monitoring team activities like comments, issue updates, and due date changes in Jira is crucial for smooth collaboration, conflict prevention, and compliance adherence. Jira offers multiple methods to track these activities. This brief guide explores the various ways to monitor daily user activity in Jira.
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A 2023 guide to Jira Burndown charts
BI & Reporting I iDalko Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Jira Software offers various tools for tracking performance and progress. One of its prominent features is the burndown chart, which visually represents the team's output in relation to projected work estimations during sprints and epics. This article explores the concept of burndown charts and their advantages, and provides guidance on creating and interpreting them. 
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Everything you need to know about Jira reporting
BI & Reporting I iDalko Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Jira reporting is critical in obtaining quick insights into projects, teams, and individual users. As described in this article, Jira offers a built-in reporting feature, enabling users to generate reports effortlessly. Users can also utilize reporting apps and/or third-party business intelligence (BI) tools to create more advanced Jira reports, facilitating in-depth analysis of their business data.
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Custom Charts for Jira: Review by Rodney Nissen
Marketplace Apps & Reviews RN Rodney Nissen Updated May 10, 2023 0


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This app enables users to create personalized reports for their dashboards without the need for any coding. This review examines it more closely to determine how Old Street Solutions, the maker of this app, achieves this feat.
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Setting your teams up for success with Atlassian Cloud Enterprise
Agile Transformation P Praecipio Updated April 11, 2023 0


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In an increasingly digital world, cloud-first is the future, especially for enterprise organizations seeking to remain agile. This webinar explores the advantages of Atlassian Cloud Enterprise, such as enhanced scalability, improved team productivity, and fortified enterprise-level security.
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Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards: Review by Rodney Nissen
Marketplace Apps & Reviews RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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This app by Qotilabs allows you to sift through results on various gadgets and build dynamic dashboards that allow users to delve deeper into the data. Read this review to learn more.
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A review of reporting apps for Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket
BI & Reporting BP Blended Perspectives Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Navigate the Atlassian Marketplace with ease! This category report by Blended Perspectives simplifies the overwhelming selection of options. Get the inside scoop on Reporting apps, including key players, market share, a comprehensive model, and practical use cases.
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Resolve problems and make your clients happy: Agile & ITSM with Jira Service Management
IT Service Management & ESM C Contegix Updated April 10, 2023 0


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The ITSM teams face challenges in promptly responding to clients' issues due to their existing processes and tools. To overcome these obstacles, Atlassian specialist Michael Brown shares four strategies in a webinar that can maximize Jira Service Management and ITSM processes by incorporating Agile methodologies.
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Five ITIL processes where Jira Service Management makes a difference
IT Service Management & ESM V Valiantys Updated April 08, 2023 0


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This e-book explores how Jira Service Management (JSM) can help organizations align with ITIL processes in five key areas of IT service management: customer portal, incident management, change enablement, knowledge management, and reporting. 
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12 results - showing 1 - 12