Resolve problems and make your clients happy: Agile & ITSM with Jira Service Management

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Resolve problems and make your clients happy: Agile & ITSM with Jira Service Management


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The ITSM teams face challenges in promptly responding to clients' issues due to their existing processes and tools. To overcome these obstacles, Atlassian specialist Michael Brown shares four strategies in a webinar that can maximize Jira Service Management and ITSM processes by incorporating Agile methodologies.
These methods enable efficient tracking and management of outages and proper routing and prioritization of tickets based on ITIL v4 guidelines. Additionally, Michael highlights how these techniques can be used for ESM and advanced Service Management reporting.

The ITSM teams face challenges in promptly responding to clients' issues due to their existing processes and tools. To overcome these obstacles, Atlassian specialist Michael Brown shares four strategies in a webinar that can maximize Jira Service Management and ITSM processes by incorporating Agile methodologies.

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