Forrester: Three trends transforming the Service Desk / ESM

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Three trends transforming the Service Desk (ESM)
Three trends transforming the Service Desk (ESM)


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The service desk landscape is transforming due to three key factors: ESM (Enterprise Service Management), collaboration, and intelligent service management. This Forrester report helps you better understand ESM, collaboration, and intelligent service management.
ESM (Enterprise Service Management) refers to the expansion of traditional ITSM (IT Service Management) principles and practices to other areas of the organization beyond just IT. The goal of ESM is to provide a consistent and efficient service experience across all departments, streamlining processes and improving overall customer satisfaction. Collaboration is becoming increasingly crucial in ESM as it helps to ensure that service fulfillment and response are optimized and that exceptions can be handled effectively. This requires a close working relationship between different departments and a shared understanding of service delivery processes and expectations.
The use of automation in ESM is also driving increased service speed and improving the customer experience. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, organizations can improve the efficiency of their service delivery processes, freeing up staff to focus on more complex and strategic issues. The average automation rate for organizations pursuing this path is 20%, which can result in significant time savings and improved service quality. Learn more in this report.

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