Modernizing ITSM to achieve DevOps success

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Modernizing ITSM to achieve DevOps success
Modernizing ITSM to achieve DevOps success
Modernizing ITSM to achieve DevOps success


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The world of IT Service Management (ITSM) is constantly evolving, and as organizations adopt DevOps principles and practices, there is a need to adapt traditional ITSM frameworks to keep up. This white paper offers an expert blueprint on how to deliver ITSM success by combining the principles of Agile and DevOps with strong ITSM frameworks like ITIL. 
By doing so, organizations can improve efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction while reducing waste and cutting costs. You'll learn tips on how to streamline service delivery using a lean approach and how Atlassian's suite of products can help maximize the value of ITSM. 

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