Real Time PPM

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Real Time PPM


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This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to create a world-class Project Portfolio Management (PPM) system in terms of both processes and tools. By leveraging Jira and Confluence with a range of additional apps, you'll learn how real-time consolidated reporting can be achieved, leading to reduced integration costs and complexity, significant savings in project management administrative time, improved tactical team performance, and a host of other benefits.
The webinar covers a wide range of essential topics, including project intake, estimation, project record management, project execution (including agile methodologies), portfolio management, virtual PMO processes, and budget management. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of each of these areas, and how to integrate them to create a seamless PPM system that drives success for their organization.
This webinar is packed with valuable insights, tips, and best practices and is a must-attend for anyone looking to create a world-class PPM system.

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April 07, 2023

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