6 results - showing 1 - 6
March 20, 2023

Modernizing ITSM to achieve DevOps success

IT Service Management & ESM
The world of IT Service Management (ITSM) is constantly evolving, and as organizat...
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Isos Technology
March 02, 2023
Organizations are undergoing a cultural and structural shift towards embracing Dev...
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Isos Technology
February 28, 2023

Jira Service Management vs ServiceNow

IT Service Management & ESM
Jira Service Management (JSM) is a comprehensive ITSM and ESM tool, building on th...
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February 13, 2023

The complete guide to Atlassian for ITSM

IT Service Management & ESM
Are you looking to adopt Atlassian's ITSM solution but unsure of where to begin? O...
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February 20, 2023
Serhat Can's comprehensive book on operating an on-call response program for softw...
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Isos Technology
March 03, 2023
Jira Service Management is an Atlassian product that combines a wide range of feat...
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6 results - showing 1 - 6