Resilient IT services for the new normal

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Resilient IT services for the new normal


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We are currently in a time where predicting the next disruption is impossible. This webinar discusses how organizations have prepared themselves to support remote work and have come to realize that a blend of office, remote, and fieldwork environments is the new standard. As a result of health and safety factors, leaders and employees are adapting their priorities, operations, and methods of collaboration. 
Despite these challenges, companies continue to work on digital transformation initiatives, seeking a competitive edge by enhancing customer experiences, developing workflow applications, and enabling data and analytics capabilities. The role of CIOs and IT teams has never been more essential to the success of their businesses. Join this webinar to discover how IT leaders can quickly deliver both offensive and defensive IT services, empowering their organizations to thrive during this unpredictable period.

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May 29, 2023
Change management is the process of effectively organizing and implementing significant changes to methods, systems, or workflows within an organiz...
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