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The connected Enterprise: Close the gap between business strategy & execution
PPM & Process Improvement P Praecipio Updated March 10, 2023 0


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Jira Align can be a powerful tool for organizations looking to achieve true enterprise agility. The white paper by Atlassian and Praecipio focuses on the benefits of using Jira Align to improve visibility, coordination, and adaptation across an agile organization. It highlights the common challenges faced by businesses in connecting their strategic vision to work execution and how Jira Align can help to overcome these obstacles.
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Project and portfolio resource management in BigPicture
PPM & Process Improvement A Appfire Updated April 11, 2023 0


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This white paper discusses the challenges faced by organizations in resource management and how appropriate software tools like BigPicture and Jira can help increase resource management capabilities. The paper provides insights into the five maturity levels in portfolio resource management and highlights the risks and challenges associated with software tools implementation. 
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Six automation strategies for Jira that’ll make you happy
Automation & Workflows A Appfire Updated March 10, 2023 0


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This guide from Appfire provides six automation strategies for streamlining business processes, with examples and use cases for Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Work Management. The guide covers empowering human decisions with workflow automation, creating smarter business processes, streamlining Jira, improving communication with users, automating mundane tasks, and doing more things in bulk. A bonus checklist for automating Jira is also included.
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Jira Core 8 basics: A beginner guide for novice Jira Administrators
Administration & Migration ET Editorial Team Updated March 06, 2023 0


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If you're looking for software to help you manage tasks, processes, and projects more effectively and want to automate your work, you may have considered Jira. However, you might find it too complicated to use, especially if you have little IT experience and prefer non-technical language. But fear not! This is the perfect book for you. This practical guide takes a step-by-step approach to learning Jira, starting with an overview of how the various pieces fit together. Through clear explanations and exercises, you will quickly gain expertise in building your own customized Jira Core application. And best of all,...
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Total Support for your Atlassian tools
Administration & Migration C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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In organizations that have implemented Jira, IT teams and key stakeholders may find themselves managing the tool as an additional responsibility. However, this can become increasingly challenging to scale and manage over time. In a brief recording, Jake Churcher, a Product Manager and IT specialist, provides insights on avoiding becoming solely responsible for Jira and accumulating a backlog of projects and other obligations.
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Advanced Kanban practice guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The Kanban method, originally developed by Toyota Motors in the 1950s, has proven to be a robust set of tools for streamlining and optimizing work within various industries. However, due to its flexibility, many organizations struggle to apply its principles and practices effectively. This white paper aims to enhance organizations' ability to design and evolve a Kanban approach that empowers teams to achieve their business objectives.
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The Scrum Master's startup guide
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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Are you new to the role of Scrum Master, or are you about to take on some of the responsibilities associated with this position? Perhaps your team shares or rotates the Scrum Master's tasks. Whatever your situation may be, it's important to have a solid understanding of what's expected of you and a plan for getting started successfully. This is a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and practices you'll need to know to thrive as a Scrum Master. 
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Champion hour Q&A: Can Jira Align help close the enterprise agility gap?
PPM & Process Improvement A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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Jira Align is a leading enterprise agile planning tool, but how does it impact the real world? Listen to this informative event where three experts weigh in on their experiences using Jira Align to accelerate agility across an enterprise. 
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Leading through change: The C-suite’s role in enterprise agile transformation
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated March 03, 2023 0


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The Agile Manifesto was introduced in 2001 with the vision of prioritizing people over processes to develop software. Since then, agile methodologies have been widely embraced. Enterprise agile transformation requires more than just scaling agile practices; it demands that the entire organization becomes focused on delivering customer value and satisfaction, which entails a complete overhaul of the company's operations. Learn the reasons for enterprise agile transformation, the risks of not undertaking it, and how failed transformations can be as difficult as not doing it at all. 
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Is Agile dead?
Agile Transformation V Valiantys Updated April 08, 2023 0


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This webinar explores the true meaning of Agile and why some organizations have seen success with its adoption while others have not. It questions whether the lack of results is due to Agile itself or if it is a matter of implementation. 
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Enterprise user management for the Atlassian ecosystem
Marketplace Apps & Reviews R re:solution Updated March 22, 2023 0


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This long-form article delves into the growing challenge of user-driven security threats caused by the rapid adoption of business technologies. It highlights the vulnerability of password-based authentication and provides essential recommendations to minimize risks, including the adoption of re:solution's SAML Single Sign-On.
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A guide for assembling your Jira Data Center team
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated March 02, 2023 0


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This e-book guides you through the deployment process, providing best practices, insights from successful customers, and next-step resources to help you upgrade and stay ahead of the curve. 
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221 results - showing 73 - 84
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