The connected Enterprise: Close the gap between business strategy & execution

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The connected Enterprise: Close the gap between business strategy & execution
The connected Enterprise: Close the gap between business strategy & execution
The connected Enterprise: Close the gap between business strategy & execution


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Jira Align can be a powerful tool for organizations looking to achieve true enterprise agility. The white paper by Atlassian and Praecipio focuses on the benefits of using Jira Align to improve visibility, coordination, and adaptation across an agile organization. It highlights the common challenges faced by businesses in connecting their strategic vision to work execution and how Jira Align can help to overcome these obstacles.
The white paper explains how Jira Align can connect people, processes, and technology together to create a thriving enterprise. It also emphasizes the importance of properly configuring Jira Align and modeling the organization within the platform for optimal success. Additionally, the white paper highlights how Jira Align has helped enterprise clients uncover and resolve issues through real-time feedback loops and faster decision-making cycles.

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Rodney Nissen
September 06, 2023
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