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Real Time PPM
PPM & Process Improvement BP Blended Perspectives Updated April 07, 2023 0


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This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to create a world-class Project Portfolio Management (PPM) system in terms of both processes and tools. By leveraging Jira and Confluence with a range of additional apps, you'll learn how real-time consolidated reporting can be achieved, leading to reduced integration costs and complexity, significant savings in project management administrative time, improved tactical team performance, and a host of other benefits.
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The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management
Administration & Migration S ScriptRunner Updated March 09, 2023 0


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Over time, Confluence can become cluttered with outdated content, confusing navigation, and unnecessary information, taking up valuable storage. These issues can cause problems if left unaddressed, making it difficult for users to find the information they need and reducing the overall usefulness of the platform. This guide is a step-by-step plan to help you clean up and reorganize your Confluence content using native features and more advanced tricks with ScriptRunner for Confluence.
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The Hero's guide to Atlassian management
Administration & Migration C Contegix Updated April 10, 2023 0


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For busy Atlassian managers, this white paper offers practical insights and knowledge to become their company's hero. It covers various topics, such as understanding the typical Atlassian environment, monitoring and optimizing the instance, preparing for worst-case scenarios, and ensuring the security of the instance. 
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Five things you need to know about migrating your Atlassian tools to the Cloud
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 06, 2023 0


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This webinar explores the advantages of transitioning critical tools to the Cloud, which include future-proofing your business, increasing productivity, and delivering value faster. Although some organizations may have concerns about this transition, Isos Technology addresses these questions and discusses the security, control, and flexibility that Atlassian Cloud provides.
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Ninja Guide To Confluence
Publishing C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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The ninja guide to Confluence, created by Clearvision experts, offers information on how to make the most of Confluence to improve transparency in your business. 
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How IT leaders can improve the agile Service Desk in a post-COVID world
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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With the help of IT, companies have been able to switch to remote work and guarantee the productivity of their workforce. In the aftermath of COVID-19, businesses are changing, and there will be a growing demand for IT to enable a digital workforce with enhanced capabilities and services, as well as to identify ways to minimize expenses. Learn about the successful implementation of an agile service desk in a post-COVID-19 environment.
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The essential guide to merging instances when migrating to Atlassian Cloud
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 03, 2023 0


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This white paper is written for any organization planning to merge multiple instances of Atlassian tools, primarily Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Confluence, and migrate them to the Cloud. You will learn why organizations merge and migrate, the potential benefits of a merge migration, insight into areas requiring special attention, and how an experienced Atlassian Partner can support a successful merge migration. You will also learn more about other important aspects and more.
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Leveraging the benefits of Atlassian Cloud to transform your business
Agile Transformation P Praecipio Updated April 11, 2023 0


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The benefits of cloud computing are undeniable, from cost savings to improved security. This webinar explores the advantages of Atlassian Cloud and how it helps organizations overcome challenges faster, increase business agility, and drive continuous innovation.
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Enterprise user management for the Atlassian ecosystem
Marketplace Apps & Reviews R re:solution Updated March 22, 2023 0


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This long-form article delves into the growing challenge of user-driven security threats caused by the rapid adoption of business technologies. It highlights the vulnerability of password-based authentication and provides essential recommendations to minimize risks, including the adoption of re:solution's SAML Single Sign-On.
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Use Atlassian tools to streamline systems development processes
Agile Transformation IT Isos Technology Updated February 28, 2023 0


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This short paper covers various aspects of having a successful digital transformation, including the importance of teamwork, using the right tools, structured group decision making, focus on team objectives, increased job satisfaction, enhanced collaboration, daily task management, and flexibility to grow with the Atlassian Platform plus Apps and APIs. 
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Practical recommendations for cleaning and organizing your Atlassian instance
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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This white paper by Isos Technology delves into the issue of clutter accumulation in organizations that utilize Atlassian tools, which can hinder the ability to make changes to these tools. It explores the difficulties that arise when Atlassian instances become disorganized and provide practical guidance for cleaning up Jira Service Management, Jira, and Confluence. 
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