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How Jira Service Management can make your teams more efficient
IT Service Management & ESM IT Isos Technology Updated February 28, 2023 0


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Join Rodney West, Senior Atlassian Consultant, and Sean Parchmann, Director of Project Delivery at Isos Tech, as they discuss how Jira Service Management can be utilized within your organization to address challenging issues and improve team productivity.
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How to successfully integrate your team with Jira Service Management
IT Service Management & ESM IT Isos Technology Updated February 13, 2023 0


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A centralized system such as Jira Service Management is crucial to integrate your teams effectively. Listen to Rodney West, a Senior Atlassian Consultant, and Sean Parchmann, the Director of Project Delivery at Isos Tech, discussing ways to implement Jira Service Management in your organization.
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Is Jira Service Management the answer to automating your processes?
IT Service Management & ESM IT Isos Technology Updated February 13, 2023 0


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Hear Rodney West, a Senior Atlassian Consultant, and Sean Parchmann, Director of Project Delivery, talk about the benefits of automating your processes and how Jira Service Management can be used within your organization. Automation enhances asset protection, boosts team empowerment, and brings many more advantages to your business.
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3 results - showing 1 - 3