Using lean-agile principles to execute organizational transformations

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Using lean-agile principles to execute organizational transformations
Using lean-agile principles to execute organizational transformations
Using lean-agile principles to execute organizational transformations


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With the speed of business increasing exponentially, many organizations are facing the challenge of fundamentally changing their approach to stay competitive. However, such a monumental undertaking can be daunting, particularly in light of the recent pandemic and its effects. This white paper outlines a tried and true framework for organizational change, including how the steps outlined in this framework can be applied using Lean-Agile methods. 
Organizational transformation is a significant undertaking that should not be taken lightly. If handled poorly, it can disrupt years of hard-won success. Even if handled well, there are bound to be growing pains. However, by approaching change with the right principles in mind and focusing on comprehensive change management, risks can be mitigated, and the entire process can be smoother.
This white paper provides examples of how organizations we've worked with have successfully implemented this framework.

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