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How DevSecOps solves the top four software security challenges
Software Development & DevOps C Contegix Updated May 17, 2023 0


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This white paper covers how implementing DevSecOps processes can help IT teams incorporate security policies into the DevOps cycle. It discusses security as code, continuous testing, maintaining security measures, and more. 
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API mocking best practices ebook
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Mocking, a technique that involves creating simulated environments to mimic service behavior, offers opportunities for developers and testers to ensure high quality throughout the software development lifecycle. In this ebook, you'll learn that by leveraging mocking, teams can establish sandbox environments and effectively simulate service behaviors, contributing to the overall quality of the developed applications. 
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SRE as a service: Transforming DevOps from build to run
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 06, 2023 0


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In this webinar, Thad West, CEO of Isos Technology, discusses the evolution of DevOps with Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) experts. The webinar covers the evolution of DevOps roles and responsibilities within an organization, key performance metrics for Site Reliability Engineering, SLO quality gates, and the importance of both "shift left" and "shift right" approaches to DevOps. 
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Opsgenie Magic Show
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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Learn about Opsgenie's features and how to improve operational efficiency with the platform through a comprehensive introduction. The webinar also covers how to transition from PagerDuty to Opsgenie with things like exporting your data, setting up integrations with existing tools, and configuring on-call schedules and escalation policies in Opsgenie.
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The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing
Software Development & DevOps A Appfire Updated March 10, 2023 0


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Agile Project Management is an iterative and incremental approach to software development projects supported by a cross-functional team. It allows for flexibility and frequent delivery of product iterations, and enables teams to respond to changes quickly. Agile follows a framework, with detailed project planning and estimation for each sprint before execution. Accurate estimation is important for planning and managing the effort to deliver a new feature or product.  This extensive article covers four methods for estimating work: Planning Poker, Asynchronous, Relative Estimation, and Bucket Sizing, with explanations on how to use each approach.
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Jira time-saving tips from the experts: Become more efficient and effective
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated March 21, 2023 0


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In this webinar, Adaptavist's experts, Matthew Stublefield and Ryan Spilken, share time-saving tips for efficient Jira management. This webinar is suitable for Jira users of all experience levels and will provide practical examples to enhance efficiency, including tips on project setup, training, and automation. 
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How a single platform can improve DevOps and ITSM collaboration
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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Organizations are undergoing a cultural and structural shift towards embracing DevOps, which leads to a higher demand for IT Service Management (ITSM) to support new releases and products, as well as an increased awareness of ITSM's impact on customer experience and satisfaction. This white paper by Isos Technology delves into the complex environment in which IT operates and how it can hinder collaboration between development and operations teams. 
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Advanced Kanban practice guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The Kanban method, originally developed by Toyota Motors in the 1950s, has proven to be a robust set of tools for streamlining and optimizing work within various industries. However, due to its flexibility, many organizations struggle to apply its principles and practices effectively. This white paper aims to enhance organizations' ability to design and evolve a Kanban approach that empowers teams to achieve their business objectives.
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How open collaboration unlocks Agility and drives business value
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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Collaboration tools such as Jira Software can add value to your business and promote innovation by breaking silos and increasing workplace efficiency through enhanced collaboration. In this video, Rizwan Hasan from Adaptavist and Atlassian's Nigel Engel discuss how these tools can help teams manage work projects and processes, no matter the complexity, and enable open collaboration, alignment, and delivery in one place. 
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The Scrum Master's startup guide
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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Are you new to the role of Scrum Master, or are you about to take on some of the responsibilities associated with this position? Perhaps your team shares or rotates the Scrum Master's tasks. Whatever your situation may be, it's important to have a solid understanding of what's expected of you and a plan for getting started successfully. This is a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and practices you'll need to know to thrive as a Scrum Master. 
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A foundational guide to site reliability engineering, service level objectives and indicators
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 03, 2023 0


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DevOps and SRE are complex fields, but using SLOs provides a straightforward method for defining, measuring, and managing reliability. This ensures that customer expectations are met while building and running. However, while DevOps has a distinct way of thinking, job titles, processes, practices, and tools, it lacks prescriptiveness. In this white paper, you will learn how to transform DevOps from build to run, key concepts in Site Reliability Engineering, prevent issues during implementation and testing, and automate SRE with SLOs as a service to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Site Reliability Glossary. 
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Five absolutely non-negotiable prerequisites to getting DevOps right
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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DevOps practices are becoming increasingly popular, with many high-performing IT teams implementing some form of DevOps processes and tools. However, DevOps is not just about IT - it's a way for IT to solve business problems. To get DevOps right, fundamental prerequisites rely on business stakeholders outside of IT, which are often poorly understood. This white paper explores five of the most critical DevOps prerequisites that any organization considering or adopting DevOps must address.
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46 results - showing 13 - 24
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