Jira Service Management: a modern ITSM solution for an evolving IT landscape

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Jira Service Management: a modern ITSM solution for an evolving IT landscape
Jira Service Management: a modern ITSM solution for an evolving IT landscape


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Jira Service Management is an Atlassian product that combines a wide range of features and functionality to support modern ITSM, Development, and Operations teams. It helps IT teams deliver customer value faster, increase work visibility and transparency across teams, streamline the flow of information between teams, and support cross-functional decision-making and issue resolution, focusing on ITSM and DevOps teams.
This white paper explores how digital transformation is changing the role of ITSM in supporting the business and creating a demand for new, more modern ITSM technology and infrastructure. It also looks at how Atlassian's Jira Service Management can be used to modernize ITSM operations and more.

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