The impact of digital transformation on Asset and Configuration Management

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The impact of digital transformation on Asset and Configuration Management
The impact of digital transformation on Asset and Configuration Management


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More and more organizations are boosting their digital transformation efforts, with 60% of C-suite executives citing digital transformation as their top growth driver for the year in a recent PWC Pulse survey. The IT ecosystem is significantly impacted by various trends within digital transformation, including those related to IT Asset Management (ITAM) and Configuration Management (CM). This white paper will explore how digital transformation and related trends contribute to ITAM and CM's complexity. 
It will also cover how integrating modern and flexible asset and configuration management tools with ITSM and DevOps tools already in use by organizations can meet business needs. In addition, the paper will discuss traditional and non-traditional use cases for Atlassian Assets.
You will gain an understanding of the trends driving complexity in the ITAM and CM ecosystem, how to integrate ITAM, CM, ITSM, and DevOps practices, how to maximize your investment in Atlassian Assets, and more.

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