Understanding the implications: Why Atlassian's Server support end is a call to action

Understanding the implications: Why Atlassian's Server support end is a call to action


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Atlassian is ending support for its server products after February 15, 2024, meaning no more technical support, security updates, or bug fixes. Naturally, Atlassian and most solution partners have been advising customers to migrate to Atlassian's cloud services (or a data center instance) for safety and security, as using unsupported server products poses significant risks. In this Atlassian article, you can read more about those risks.
In a nutshell:
  • Unpatched vulnerabilities: There will be no more security patches or updates after February 15th, 2024. This can expose businesses to potential security risks as vulnerabilities can go unaddressed, making it easier for malicious entities to access data and systems.
  • Privacy & compliance violations: Using unsupported server products might violate industry-specific privacy and compliance rules, particularly in sectors like healthcare and finance. This can lead to potential legal and financial repercussions.
  • Downtime & data loss: Unsupported software increases the risk of system disruptions, leading to data loss, system manipulation, and potential offline periods. This impacts both operations and customer service.
  • Outdated security technology: With the lack of updates, businesses miss out on the latest security tech, making systems more vulnerable to new threats.
  • Marketplace App risks: Businesses can't buy new apps for server licenses, and partners will no longer provide support or updates, further increasing vulnerability.
To protect your company, it's crucial to move away from unsupported server products and consider transitioning to the cloud or a data center instance.