How to keep your product backlog at the perfect size for your team

How to keep your product backlog at the perfect size for your team


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As a Product Owner, it's important to understand the optimal size for your backlog in order to manage it effectively. According to this article by Eficode, a good rule of thumb is that the backlog should be between 50 and 150 items and take between two and six months for the team to complete. 
If your backlog is too large, with 200, 300, or 400 items, or takes more than half a year for the team to finish, it can cause stress and chaos. On the other hand, a too-small backlog can be problematic if it doesn't engage stakeholders and gather feedback.
This article guides Product Owners on determining and maintaining the optimal size for their product backlog. It explains why having a backlog that is too large or too small can cause problems. It also introduces a method for cleaning and reprioritizing items to keep the backlog at the optimal size, and explains how doing so can lead to a happy and motivated team that delivers more value.