The Agile team's comprehensive guide to acing estimations

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The Agile team's comprehensive guide to acing estimations
The Agile team's comprehensive guide to acing estimations
The Agile team's comprehensive guide to acing estimations
The Agile team's comprehensive guide to acing estimations


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Estimating the effort required for projects can be challenging, but Agile project management offers solutions to simplify the process. This comprehensive guide covers how to manage estimation in an Agile environment and explores popular methods for estimating with Agile teams. 
The guide offers insight into Agile estimation methods, including Planning Poker, asynchronous estimation, relative estimation, and bucket sizing. The guide explains why a gamified approach like Planning Poker can be effective for estimating story point values, and also covers the benefits of each estimation method. Additionally, the guide includes valuable cheat sheets and use cases demonstrating how these methods can be implemented by teams.

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