Introducing Security in Jira: Track & prioritize vulnerabilities reported by security apps

Introducing Security in Jira: Track & prioritize vulnerabilities reported by security apps

Introducing Security in Jira: Track & prioritize vulnerabilities reported by security apps
Introducing Security in Jira: Track & prioritize vulnerabilities reported by security apps

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Jira Software introduced new security capabilities to help organizations prioritize security and address vulnerabilities more effectively. By partnering with security vendors like Snyk, Mend, Lacework, StackHawk, and JFrog, Jira Software now provides a centralized location within the Security tab to manage vulnerabilities identified by various security tools.
  • Teams can now view and track the vulnerabilities reported from Snyk, Mend, Lacework, StackHawk, and JFrog (more to be added) in one convenient view, the Security tab in Jira Software.
  • Teams can filter and rank vulnerabilities by severity, enabling them to address high-priority issues first and reduce the risk associated with each software release.
  • Critical vulnerabilities can be automatically converted into Jira issues populated with security details, while lower-priority vulnerabilities can be integrated into sprint planning.
  • Available to all Jira Software Cloud users.
With security integration into Jira Software, development teams no longer need to access separate security tools, streamlining their workflow and making DevSecOps implementation more manageable. Teams can easily track the progress and status of vulnerabilities, bringing security triaging into their existing rituals and improving overall software security.