Forrester study: The total economic impact of Atlassian Cloud

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Forrester study: The total economic impact of Atlassian cloud
Forrester study: The total economic impact of Atlassian cloud
Forrester study: The total economic impact of Atlassian cloud


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This study by Forrester highlights lessons from four customers who migrated from Atlassian's server products to the Cloud and found potential ROI through cost avoidance and SaaS benefits like productivity, scalability, and collaboration. 
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Forrester Consulting interviewed four customers, including both large global retail companies and small technology providers for the Total Economic Impact study commissioned by Atlassian. The migration to the Atlassian cloud solutions brought about some differences in experiences for small digital native companies compared to their enterprise counterparts. Despite the typical advantages of SaaS being shared across all organizations, small to medium-sized businesses saw additional benefits, such as enhanced collaboration and reduced speed and performance-related tickets. This study by Forrester delves into the insights, difficulties, and advantages faced by small digital native companies during their transition from Server to Cloud solutions.

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