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Use Jira Quick Filters to supercharge your project management
Marketplace Apps & Reviews A Adaptavist Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Jira as a popular agile project management tool due to its vast reporting, project planning, and progress-tracking capabilities. However, with so much information available, finding relevant information quickly can sometimes take time. The article introduces Jira Quick Filters as a solution to visualize the bigger picture easily. It shows how to add Quick Filters - available with Hierarchy for Jira - and unlock Jira's full potential.
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Everything to know about Jira bulk edits
Administration & Migration A Appfire Updated April 08, 2023 0


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This article by Rachel Wrigth highlights the importance of using bulk edit capabilities in Jira to effectively manage thousands of issues and keep them updated and in sync with reality. It addresses common challenges teams face in ensuring accurate data in Jira and dealing with an overwhelming backlog. 
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Time is Money: Why time management still matters for all teams
PPM & Process Improvement BP Blended Perspectives Updated April 07, 2023 0


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This webinar challenges the skepticism surrounding time recording and reporting in agile teams. The hosts, in collaboration with Tempo, the market leader in the timesheet category for Atlassian, believe that time management best practices can lead to high-performance teams.
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Six ways customization can help you get the most from Jira
Administration & Migration C Contegix Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Jira, an issue-tracking platform initially designed for software developers, is now being used by over 65,000 companies, including Cisco, Pfizer, and Walmart, to manage tasks, projects, and reporting and analytics functions for all types of teams. Six popular customizable features of Jira include dashboards, workflows, fields, screens, filters, and notifications.
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The complete guide to Jira Workflows
Automation & Workflows C Contegix Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Whether you're new to Jira workflows or looking to enhance existing ones, this guide to Jira Workflows offers valuable insights. It provides detailed information on various aspects, such as configuring a workflow, comprehending the relevant terminology, optimizing and customizing workflows, and much more. 
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How to use Jira for non-software projects
PPM & Process Improvement I iDalko Updated March 31, 2023 0


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In software development, Jira is a widely-used tool that needs no introduction. But have you ever wondered if Jira can be utilized for non-software projects and teams? The answer is a resounding yes! Jira can be an effective solution for any team that needs to organize work in simple, easy-to-follow issues and track progress across workflows. This guide explores how non-software teams can benefit from using Jira and how to implement it effectively. 
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DevOps trends 2023
Agile Transformation E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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As technology continues to evolve, staying competitive means keeping up with the latest trends and practices. In particular, modern software engineering practices are key to accelerating value creation, adapting to changing circumstances, and building customer loyalty. The team at eficode has been at the forefront of software development for over 17 years. With this experience, they've seen trends come and go and that's why they've put together this guide. It provides insights, tips, and a list of things to consider for the most significant trends in 2023.
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The ultimate Atlassian tips and tricks ebook: 14 admin hacks
Administration & Migration A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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This ebook offers 14 tips and tricks for Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket that can save time and automate admin work, suitable for both experienced and new Atlassian ecosystem users. These tips include using filters to drill down for information in Jira, defining permission schemes on project roles, creating and running a Confluence maintenance routine, and avoiding traceability issues in Bitbucket.
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The definitive guide to Atlassian tool governance
Security & Compliance C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Your company has invested significant money in your Atlassian tech stack, including Jira, Confluence, Jira Align, and other Atlassian solutions. These highly customizable tools can create a dynamic ecosystem to support various aspects of your company's operations. However, to maintain their functionality and flexibility, they require proper maintenance. This white paper emphasizes the importance of governance for optimizing the benefits of your Atlassian tech stack and protecting your investment in these technologies. 
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A comprehensive guide to Jira User Stories
Software Development & DevOps I iDalko Updated March 31, 2023 0


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User stories are essential to agile development, as they help teams prioritize user needs and experiences, putting the human element first. This comprehensive guide to Jira's user story features provides tips and best practices to help you make the most out of this powerful tool. 
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Atlassian migration checklist
Administration & Migration C Contegix Updated April 10, 2023 0


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To achieve a secure and effective application migration, it is essential to establish a reliable process, which requires prior experience. Contegix, based on their 16 years of experience with Atlassian environments, shares their process in the form of a worksheet.
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How to plan and execute User Acceptance Testing for a successful Atlassian Cloud migration
Administration & Migration P Praecipio Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Often overlooked and added as an afterthought to an Atlassian migration, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is frequently assigned to users who need proper guidance or understanding. This webinar highlights the significance of a well-structured UAT, how it mitigates risk, and why this migration milestone is crucial for setting up your teams for success.
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