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Asset and configuration management handbook
IT Service Management & ESM A Atlassian Updated March 06, 2023 0


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This guide serves as an introduction to the concepts of asset and configuration management and offers suggestions on how to incorporate them into your IT service management.
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A foolproof guide for your Data Center upgrade
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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Creating a Data Center upgrade strategy requires considerable effort and research. This guide offers expert guidance and proven strategies from Atlassian and their satisfied customers. 
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Evaluating vendor risk management
Security & Compliance A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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Organizations that expand often adopt a growing number of cloud applications. This leads to businesses needing to adapt their data security and risk management approaches. Read this paper to learn why you'd need a scalable and efficient process for onboarding new cloud vendors. 
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Creating actionable alerts to maximize resolution speed
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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In today's always-on world, more than simple alerts are required. Top teams understand that adding relevant information to alerts can significantly reduce the time it takes to resolve incidents. This whitepaper provides valuable insights on empowering first responders to handle incidents promptly and efficiently.
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Becoming an Atlassian cloud admin
Agile Transformation A Atlassian Updated February 28, 2023 0


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How does the admin experience vary between server, Data Center, and cloud deployments? In this whitepaper, Atlassian examines four key areas and compares the differences between the them.
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Tips to make a lean, mean ITSM machine with Atlassian
IT Service Management & ESM A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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The traditional approach to IT Service Management (ITSM) is changing, with IT teams shifting towards more flexible, collaborative methods that prioritize ease of use and knowledge sharing over complex workflows. Read the guide on how IT teams can improve efficiency, remain nimble, and focus on delivering business value.
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Atlassian Data Center: Advanced auditing
Security & Compliance A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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This technical whitepaper provides a comprehensive overview of advanced auditing and details the steps to integrate your Data Center products with some of the top monitoring tools. Additionally, you will find tips and tricks for each monitoring tool to help you extract maximum insights from your data.
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Reducing admin overhead and improving Jira performance
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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With the growth of an organization, Jira instances also expand. In this short paper, you'll learn that poor management of custom fields can cause a decline in instance performance and increase admin workload. 
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The enterprise security and compliance handbook for self-managed environments
Security & Compliance A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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Security and compliance leaders need assurance that their tools have built-in compliance, security, user management, and controls; this guide helps understand what's at stake and how to do better. 
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Performance at Scale: 10M issues and beyond with Jira Data Center
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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The paper explores the problems organizations face with a large Jira instance and how Atlassian’s Data Center solution provides a scalable platform to tackle these challenges. The testing conducted in the paper simulates the difficulties of a growing instance and examines how Data Center can provide a solution.
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221 results - showing 121 - 132
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