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A practical guide to scaling Agile with Jira/Jira Align
PPM & Process Improvement C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Agile methodologies have enhanced productivity for individual teams for many years, with other business units and industries recognizing the value in customer-focused agile iterations. However, challenges arise as organizations seek to scale their agile practices beyond a few teams. This white paper explores the various options for scaling agile, including Jira, Jira with add-ons, and optimizing Jira to integrate with Jira Align to support your needs.
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Jira 8 essentials: Effective issue management and project tracking with the latest Jira features
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Atlassian Jira is a tool that helps track bugs in software and mobile applications and manage project tasks. Jira Essentials, updated to Jira 8, is a comprehensive guide to using the tool effectively.
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Jira Quick Start Guide: Manage your projects efficiently
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated March 06, 2023 0


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This book is about using Jira as an issue tracker and project management tool. It covers Jira Software, Jira Core, and Jira Service Desk. The book explains how to create a new project, use relevant schemes, configure workflows and fields for project screens, and analyze data using built-in reports and creating dashboards in Jira. 
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Scaling Agile with Jira Align: A practical guide to strategically scaling agile across the enterprises
PPM & Process Improvement ET Editorial Team Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Jira Align is a platform designed specifically for enterprises to connect their strategy with execution, promoting transparency, consistency, and predictability at all levels of scale. The platform supports business value delivery in various agile frameworks such as LeSS, DAD, and SAFe. Also, it caters to organizations that mix agile with waterfall to support scaled bimodal delivery. This book starts by introducing you to the platform and its features. You will learn about the foundational building blocks of Jira Align and how organizations can benefit from implementing it. 
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Proving value: How business leaders use Jira Align to connect strategy and execution
PPM & Process Improvement P Praecipio Updated March 10, 2023 0


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During this webinar, Principal Solutions Architect Amanda Babb, will guide you through linking strategy to execution from the Portfolio to the Program using Jira Align. She will walk you through idea generation, prioritization, execution planning, commitment to backlogs, and tracking progress, investment, and status. 
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101 results - showing 97 - 101
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