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A foundational guide to site reliability engineering, service level objectives and indicators
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 03, 2023 0


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DevOps and SRE are complex fields, but using SLOs provides a straightforward method for defining, measuring, and managing reliability. This ensures that customer expectations are met while building and running. However, while DevOps has a distinct way of thinking, job titles, processes, practices, and tools, it lacks prescriptiveness. In this white paper, you will learn how to transform DevOps from build to run, key concepts in Site Reliability Engineering, prevent issues during implementation and testing, and automate SRE with SLOs as a service to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Site Reliability Glossary. 
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The concepts behind successful DevOps
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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This informative session with Peter Daugavietis covers the concepts behind successful DevOps. The speaker explores the fundamental principles of DevOps and how creating a DevOps environment can optimize how you work and improve your business output. 
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Five absolutely non-negotiable prerequisites to getting DevOps right
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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DevOps practices are becoming increasingly popular, with many high-performing IT teams implementing some form of DevOps processes and tools. However, DevOps is not just about IT - it's a way for IT to solve business problems. To get DevOps right, fundamental prerequisites rely on business stakeholders outside of IT, which are often poorly understood. This white paper explores five of the most critical DevOps prerequisites that any organization considering or adopting DevOps must address.
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DevOps enterprise ebook: how to apply the DevOps skills that matter most
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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DevOps practices enable organizations to deliver IT products and services with higher quality and speed. It also helps to create a better workplace by reducing siloes, rethinking processes, and utilizing new tools. However, when adopting DevOps, teams face challenges adapting and integrating current roles into the new culture. This ebook covers the impact of DevOps transformation on business decision-makers, IT software teams, testers, project and program managers. 
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Improving your Agile ceremonies
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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This guide offers tips on how to improve your Agile ceremonies, including backlog refinement, sprint planning, daily stand-ups, retrospectives, sprint reviews, and demos. By enhancing your Agile ceremonies, you can boost team morale, increase productivity, implement the right things correctly, reduce the need for changes down the road, and make customer and stakeholder feedback a central part of your development. 
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Six must-haves when using Microsoft Teams for incident management
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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In this technical brief, gain insights on ChatOps, crucial features of chat integrations for incident management solutions, and a comparison of functionality between Opsgenie, PagerDuty and VictorOps.
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The language of incident management
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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The terminology used in IT incident management is largely borrowed from the terminology adopted by disaster response teams in the medical and environmental sectors. In this whitepaper, you'll read about essential terms supporting clear and accurate communication during the incident management process. 
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Creating actionable alerts to maximize resolution speed
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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In today's always-on world, more than simple alerts are required. Top teams understand that adding relevant information to alerts can significantly reduce the time it takes to resolve incidents. This whitepaper provides valuable insights on empowering first responders to handle incidents promptly and efficiently.
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How can you foster collaboration and make big decisions when people can’t come together?
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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This eBook provides a sample schedule and agenda for a virtual PI planning event, a comprehensive checklist to ensure a successful meeting, and additional tips to keep teams engaged.
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Scaled Agile Frameworks in a Nutshell Ebook
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 28, 2023 0


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Confused by the abundance of frameworks that claim to be the best for scaling agile? This guide provides a concise and straightforward overview of the history and advantages of various transformation frameworks for scaling agility.
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Incident management: a getting started guide
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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This guide was created to assist teams in establishing a formal incident management process so that they can be resolved quickly and efficiently when incidents occur.
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On Call: The definitive guide to running productive and happy on-call teams
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Serhat Can's comprehensive book on operating an on-call response program for software applications offers a roadmap for balancing customer needs with the well-being of on-call staff. 
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