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Jira Service Management for software development teams
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated August 24, 2023 0


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In this webinar, Atlassian's Cathi Davey and Jeremy Cooley demonstrate how teams utilize Jira Service Management to enhance the intake of work such as bug reports and development ideas, improve incident response by integrating development teams into incident swarming, automatically track deployments for governance and compliance, and foster collaboration on the Atlassian platform tailored for innovative team collaboration.
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How to innovate faster with API discoverability
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Most developers regularly use APIs, and many rely on third-party APIs. Building API ecosystems is increasingly valued by businesses. According to SmartBear, Expedia, for example, generates over 90% of its revenue through APIs. Discoverability plays a crucial role in the success of data-driven businesses, enabling developers to find, access, and utilize APIs effectively. This article explores the significance of API discoverability and provides insights on maximizing API adoption and success.
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When to build test automation and when to keep it manual
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Agile teams face the challenge of accommodating evolving requirements while constantly delivering new features. This raises a crucial question: should tasks be automated or performed manually? While automated tests offer speed, they require an initial setup and ongoing maintenance. This article explores the comparison between test automation and manual tests, offering a guide to assist you in determining the optimal testing approach for your project's test cases.
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Can your Test Management tool support an agile transition?
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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By adopting Agile principles such as collaboration, iterative development, and continuous feedback, you can effectively respond to changing requirements and market dynamics. However, these transitions take time and effort. Shifting from sequential, linear development to Agile can be daunting without the proper mindset and tools, including test management tools. This article delves into the testing challenges associated with digital transformations and guides on selecting the appropriate tools to navigate this transition successfully.
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The beginner’s guide to visual testing
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Many teams rely on automated functional tests to scale their efforts, but these tests often overlook an essential aspect: the visual appearance of the user interface (UI). Successful QA teams utilize automated visual testing tools (like SmartBear's VisualTest) to address this issue. These tools offer a faster and more reliable way to ensure a high-quality user experience.
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Behavior-driven development and what it means for QA testing
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 17, 2023 0


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Behavior-driven development (BDD) is gaining significant recognition for its distinctive capability to achieve agile objectives through improved collaboration. BDD revolves around establishing a common understanding of software behavior, but it necessitates a shift in mindset and tools, especially for quality assurance teams. This article explores the concept of BDD, the reasons behind its adoption by enterprises, and its implications for QA testing teams. 
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Why flexibility and stability matter in Enterprise Test Management
Software Development & DevOps S SmartBear Updated May 25, 2023 0


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If you are in need of a test management solution to effectively organize your tests, streamline automation, and generate insightful reports, or if your current test management solution is not meeting your requirements, an ebook can assist you in evaluating and selecting the right solution. 
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DevOps vs. Agile: Differences and using them together
Software Development & DevOps C Contegix Updated April 10, 2023 0


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This article explains the differences and similarities between DevOps and Agile methodologies. DevOps is a set of practices that focuses on collaboration between development and operations teams, with an emphasis on automation and continuous integration and delivery. 
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Better documentation—better platform Developer Experience
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Good documentation is important in agile work. Many developers prioritize having working software over documentation, often sacrificing developer experience. The article highlights why clear and concise documentation is crucial and provides tips on how to strike a balance between agility and documentation. 
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Twelve questions about agile transformation with experts
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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Watch this fireside chat with leading Agile and DevOps experts from The Adaptavist Group as they share their insights and experiences on implementing agile and DevOps at scale. Panelists discuss the challenges that organizations face when adopting agile, the benefits of using the SAFe framework, and provide practical recommendations on how to implement agile and DevOps methodologies successfully. 
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UX in an Agile world
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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In this interview, four experts discuss how UX can succeed in an Agile environment. In the traditional waterfall workflow, User Experience (UX) specialists have ample time to conduct research and incorporate valuable user insights during the planning stage. Additional feedback is often garnered post-release, through customer service interactions where users express their satisfaction or frustration with the application's ease of use.
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Ten steps to becoming a DevOps Engineer
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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As the IT environment continues to evolve rapidly, customers are increasingly seeking fast delivery of products, quick resolution of issues, and a reliable overall process. DevOps implementation in an organization can solve these demands, making DevOps engineering one of the most highly sought-after IT professions. This white paper provides a comprehensive guide for both technical and non-technical skills needed to pursue a career in DevOps engineering. It covers programming languages, DevOps tools, cloud platforms, infrastructure automation tools, and much more.
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