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Scrumban practitioner’s guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Scrum has become the most popular Agile method, utilized by millions of practitioners worldwide. However, for those who have mastered Scrum, there are still possibilities to enhance its application in pursuit of pushing the boundaries of value, efficiency, and quality. Another framework that has risen significantly in Agile development over the past two decades is Kanban, which has often been compared to Scrum and integrated closely with Scrum teams. Many Agile development teams that have achieved success with Scrum principles have realized they can adopt key elements of Kanban to improve their workflow with minor customizations. ...
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DevOps in an ITIL shop: How to apply the DevOps skills that matter most
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Is it possible for DevOps and ITIL to coexist? This is a common question due to the contrasting nature of DevOps' dynamism and ITIL's methodical conservatism. While implementing ITIL strictly as described in the books may make implementing DevOps impossible, this does not mean the two are incompatible. Learn more about how DevOps can be incorporated into an ITIL environment in this white paper.
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Developing embedded software with DevOps
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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This guide explores how adopting DevOps practices can improve the development processes for embedded software, which controls critical infrastructure, medical devices, airplanes, and cars. 
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Building software at scale with SAFe® and Atlassian tools
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated February 28, 2023 1


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Learn how to leverage the power of Atlassian tools and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) 5.0 to build software at scale with this informative whitepaper. 
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Improving DevOps collaboration on major incident resolution and problem management
Software Development & DevOps IT Isos Technology Updated March 02, 2023 0


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The need to incorporate agile processes and DevOps culture into operations is imperative when major incidents disrupt business, ongoing issues decrease productivity, and both cause unnecessary stress. By implementing updated DevOps objectives, integrated tools, straightforward automation, real-time reporting, and a collaborative technology team, organizations can effectively address gaps in improving recovery times and identifying the root causes of problems. This webinar features insights from agile experts and DevOps leaders who are tackling these challenges, enabling technology teams to frequently deploy applications and rapidly resolve operational incidents.
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A pragmatic approach to SAFe® with Atlassian tools
Software Development & DevOps A Adaptavist Updated March 21, 2023 0


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Implementing the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) can present significant challenges for organizations, requiring shifts in culture, working methods, and software tools. In this webinar, you'll learn about all three, focusing on using Atlassian Jira as an ideal tooling platform for SAFe.
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Delivering continuous quality
Software Development & DevOps E Eficode Updated March 31, 2023 0


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This guide provides insight on automating your quality assurance to deliver high-quality products faster. It is a valuable resource for individuals in management, development, or other areas of software development who want to understand the foundational principles of building quality into their work. 
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Jira 8 essentials: Effective issue management and project tracking with the latest Jira features
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Atlassian Jira is a tool that helps track bugs in software and mobile applications and manage project tasks. Jira Essentials, updated to Jira 8, is a comprehensive guide to using the tool effectively.
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Jira Quick Start Guide: Manage your projects efficiently
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated March 06, 2023 0


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This book is about using Jira as an issue tracker and project management tool. It covers Jira Software, Jira Core, and Jira Service Desk. The book explains how to create a new project, use relevant schemes, configure workflows and fields for project screens, and analyze data using built-in reports and creating dashboards in Jira. 
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Jira JQL basics and reference guide
Software Development & DevOps ET Editorial Team Updated March 06, 2023 0


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Jira Query Language (JQL) is utilized to search for Jira Issues that contain particular information. If you want to enhance your proficiency in working with Jira and easily find your Issues, then "Jira JQL Basics and Reference Guide" is the perfect book for you. It will help you become part of a distinguished group of professionals with extensive Jira JQL knowledge.
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