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Total Support for your Atlassian tools
Administration & Migration C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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In organizations that have implemented Jira, IT teams and key stakeholders may find themselves managing the tool as an additional responsibility. However, this can become increasingly challenging to scale and manage over time. In a brief recording, Jake Churcher, a Product Manager and IT specialist, provides insights on avoiding becoming solely responsible for Jira and accumulating a backlog of projects and other obligations.
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Falling back in love with Jira
Administration & Migration C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Clearvision's Product Manager, Jake Churcher, and Chief Revenue Officer, Paul Renshaw, discuss the impact of Jira Cloud on the software industry while carpooling in a Tesla. They address why users and teams may lose interest in Jira, how to rekindle the love for it, ways to enhance productivity with the tool, the evolution of Jira, and service management with IT, including Jira Work Management and Jira Service Management.
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Total Cost of Ownership in Atlassian Support
Administration & Migration C Clearvision Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Interview / Opinion
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Hear the speaker discuss the total cost of ownership (TCO) of supporting the Atlassian stack in three models: self-support, vendor support, and partner support. Get an overview of the planned and unplanned costs included in each scenario and what to expect from each support model presented. 
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3 results - showing 1 - 3