Atlassian Confluence: Your creative collaboration hub

  1. Project Management Magic: Transform project management with Confluence’s Roadmap feature. Make it fun with GIFs, emojis, and quirky milestone names.
  2. Brainstorming Bonanza: Facilitate virtual brainstorming sessions on Confluence with vibrant colors, images, and interactive comments.
  3. Knowledge Hub of Quirkiness: Streamline company info in a fun, engaging knowledge base. Add inside jokes, fun facts, and employee highlights.
  4. Culture Cultivation Zone: Celebrate company culture with unique Confluence spaces. Showcase pets, achievements, and co-create the ultimate office playlist.
  5. Onboarding Adventure: Give new hires an unforgettable onboarding experience. Share the company’s spirit, traditions, and fun memories.
  6. Event Planning Extravaganza: Plan any event on Confluence. Collaboratively brainstorm, manage to-dos, and even suggest wild themes.
  7. Code Collaboration Commune: Beyond just documents, Confluence supports code collaboration. Share code snippets and sprinkle in some programming humor.
  8. Virtual Water Cooler Chat: Relive office banter virtually. Discuss memes, weekend plans, or share personal cooking stories.
  9. Dream Vision Board: Digitalize your vision board. Visualize aspirations, add motivational quotes, and track your progress.
Atlassian Confluence is where collaboration meets creativity. Elevate your collaborative endeavors, unleash your imagination, and have fun. Read the original post to enhance your collaboration game.

The complete guide to jumpstarting automation for Jira Service Management

This whitepaper discusses the increasing use of automation by ITSM teams to work more efficiently and meet growing demands. 

Automation decoded: Bridging fact and fiction

The researchers explore various aspects of automation, including its prevalence, missed opportunities, use cases, alignment of realized benefits with expectations, and differences in perceptions and barriers across business functions and organizational levels.

Atlassian Impact: monthly podcast from Isos

Together, they will discuss their experiences, lessons learned, advice, and even the mistakes they have made along the way. Listen in.

Eight reasons it’s time to sunset your legacy ITSM tool

If your ITSM tool is slowing down your team’s ability to support evolving business needs, it may be time to consider migrating to a new platform. 
This article covers eight signs that your legacy ITSM tool may be causing issues.

How to expertly evaluate ITSM tools for your organization

They discuss how to properly analyze your organization’s current environment, best practices for researching potential vendors and creating a shortlist, and the process of evaluating and selecting the right partner for your organization.

SRE as a service: Transforming DevOps from build to run

Agile DevOps is a collaborative and iterative software development approach that has evolved over time. While DevOps has traditionally focused on building, testing, and releasing software faster and more reliably, the next challenge is to expand from building to running. SRE is a fast-growing practice that optimizes software development for reliability and helps organizations deliver an exceptional customer experience. SLO is critical to tracking reliability goals and managing the tradeoff between feature delivery and technical debt.

The expert panel will also touch on how Nobl9’s SLO platform and Dynatrace’s cloud intelligence platform integrate with Atlassian tools to align DevOps teams and business stakeholders and help organizations build and run smarter. Learn more here.

The roadmap to Enterprise Business Agility

The Business Agility Institute defines business agility as a collection of organizational capabilities, behaviors, and ways of working that gives a business the freedom, flexibility, and resilience to achieve its purpose, regardless of the future. In this white paper, the Isosceles Agility Triangle™ is introduced, and the three elements of people, practices, and technology are discussed as the foundation of business agility.

The impact of digital transformation on Asset and Configuration Management

It will also cover how integrating modern and flexible asset and configuration management tools with ITSM and DevOps tools already in use by organizations can meet business needs. In addition, the paper will discuss traditional and non-traditional use cases for Atlassian Assets.
You will gain an understanding of the trends driving complexity in the ITAM and CM ecosystem, how to integrate ITAM, CM, ITSM, and DevOps practices, how to maximize your investment in Atlassian Assets, and more.

Five things you need to know about migrating your Atlassian tools to the Cloud

Specifically, this webinar covers the features and benefits of Atlassian tools in Cloud, including Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket, as well as the benefits of using an enterprise cloud provider like AWS.
It also provides a high-level overview of Cloud migration strategies and potential migration challenges to consider. Additionally, it offers best practices for merging Atlassian instances and migrating to Cloud and real-world outcomes from Atlassian customers who have made a move from on-prem to Cloud.

Enterprise Service Management: Transforming knowledge work and modernizing business operations

The paper explores two critical issues ESM solves for enterprises: improving knowledge management to enable innovation and modernizing business operations to enhance customer and employee experiences, increase efficiency, and provide insights for decision-making.
You will learn how ESM can help underserved areas of a business, such as HR, accounting, marketing, and legal, and how an integrated ESM/ITSM platform can transform work and modernize business operations.

Clean up your Jira with archiving, properly

These schemes include default issue type, workflow, issue type screen, field configuration, priority, and notification schemes. It is also a good idea to wait some time before restoring an archived project to ensure the dust has settled.
This article by Brian Mertens of Isos Technology will provide you with insights on how to clean up your Jira Data Center data effectively.

Service Management: Not just for IT anymore

Additionally, the discussion explores the impact of COVID-19 and the Great Resignation on digital trends in service management and technology. Thad West, CEO of Isos Technology, moderates the panel, which also includes Ian Cooperman, Strategic Account Manager at Isos Technology.

How IT leaders can improve the agile Service Desk in a post-COVID world

Opsgenie Magic Show