34 results - showing 25 - 34
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An automation enhancement lets you create Jira issues directly from Confluence
Product News Updated September 05, 2023 0
This new feature in Confluence enables you to create Jira Software issues directly from Confluence Automation. If your organization uses both Jira Software and Confluence, this integration allows you to seamlessly generate your issues without leaving Confluence.
Confluence whiteboards coming soon!
Product News Updated June 05, 2023 0
Online whiteboards have been essential for Atlassian's customers and teams while working remotely. These whiteboards allow us all to collaborate as if we were in the same room. However, according to Atlassian, connecting the pre-planning work on whiteboards to structured workflows could have been smoother. They recognized the opportunity and developed Confluence whiteboards.
Copying Confluence spaces across sites for cloud-to-cloud migrations
Product News Updated May 26, 2023 0
Atlassian will introduce a new capability that allows you to effortlessly copy Confluence spaces between sites within or across multiple organizations. This will enable you to duplicate your valuable content easily. Currently, Atlassian invites you to join their early access program (EAP) to ensure this feature perfectly caters to customers' needs. After its release, you will no longer need to submit support tickets for data transfers.
Mastering your monthly social media schedule with Confluence [Fun read]
Insights & Opinions Updated May 22, 2023 0
In this article, Teodora shares the journey of the Old Street Solutions team as they strive to improve their social media presence using... Confluence. 
Confluence Databases are coming soon (curtesy of k15t app acquisition)
Product News Updated June 05, 2023 0
Databases are coming to Confluence! Atlassian has acquired Orderly Databases by K15t, a Platinum Marketplace Partner, and the teams are hard at work integrating the app into Confluence. According to Atlassian, they are preparing to launch a free public beta soon. If you're eager to be among the first to access this feature, join the waitlist.
Atlassian Together is now available to help boost your team's collaboration
Product News Updated April 10, 2023 0
Atlassian has released Atlassian Together, a work management solution offered as a comprehensive cloud-based subscription for their most popular work management apps, including Trello, Confluence, Jira Work Management, and Atlas. 
Confluence: Notable improvements
Product News Updated April 11, 2023 0
Atlassian has made some notable improvements to Confluence that we believe will enhance your experience. Specifically, Atlassian has simplified the process of embedding content into Confluence using Smart Links.
Cloudflare CASB adds Confluence and Jira integrations for enhanced security
Atlassian News Updated March 18, 2023 0
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is a relatively recent addition to Cloudflare's offerings. It provides security operators like CISOs and security engineers with administrative control and visibility over the security of their SaaS applications. Now CASB is adding two new integrations: Atlassian Confluence and Atlassian Jira.
Automation for Confluence is here!
Product News Updated February 18, 2023 0
Automation for Confluence is a new feature that automates repetitive tasks in Confluence, allowing teams to focus on more meaningful work. With automation, teams can manage content, organize spaces, streamline teamwork, and notify teams of important updates without manual overhead.
2022: Confluence usage in numbers
Product News Updated February 07, 2023 0
After totaling the global numbers across all customers for 2022, the Atlassian Confluence team has shared impressive counts for creating and viewing pages and more in Confluence. And here are the numbers.
34 results - showing 25 - 34
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