The future of ITSM is agile

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The future of ITSM is agile
The future of ITSM is agile
The future of ITSM is agile


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To help you embark on your agile journey, Atlassian and AXELOS have joined forces to provide you with a guide. You will learn about the eight practices commonly used by high-performing IT teams and receive tips to bring more agility and teamwork to ITSM.
To keep pace with the fast-moving business landscape, IT teams are revolutionizing the way they operate. The past's rigid processes and cumbersome workflows are being replaced by more collaborative, adaptive, and customer-focused approaches. This shift towards agility is aimed at breaking down silos, promoting quick adaptation, and delivering seamless customer experiences.
ITSM has undergone a significant transformation with the introduction of ITIL 4, the latest update to the widely adopted ITSM framework. ITIL 4 brings a more comprehensive and flexible approach, incorporating modern methodologies like agile and DevOps. Read the guide to learn more.

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