API Token Authentication: Review by Rodney Nissen

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API Token Authentication: Review by Rodney Nissen


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In this review, you'll learn how users of this app by Resolution can secure their Jira instance by using API keys while still allowing access to specific services. This lets you replace your password with a one-time use token. 
Additionally, setting a maximum lifetime for the keys adds an extra layer of security, as it ensures that access to the Jira instance is only given to actively used services. The expiration of unused keys reduces the risk of unauthorized access and helps maintain the overall security of the Jira instance.


Jira REST API data connections from external services can be secured with API Tokens instead of username and password, which provides increased security. In SAML SSO environments, API tokens allow users to access third-party apps. The token permissions model includes use, create, create on-behalf-of, and read-only, while token scoping can be used for read-write edits, read-only reports, dashboards, and notifications. The token manager enables filtering, revocation, creation on behalf of, and audit logging. The API Token Auth is compatible with all SSO environments and can be used with SAML Single Sign-On, User Directory Sync, and User Deactivator. The API Token Auth has been trusted by healthcare, government, and finance firms.

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