How a single platform can improve DevOps and ITSM collaboration

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How a single platform can improve DevOps and ITSM collaboration
How a single platform can improve DevOps and ITSM collaboration


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Organizations are undergoing a cultural and structural shift towards embracing DevOps, which leads to a higher demand for IT Service Management (ITSM) to support new releases and products, as well as an increased awareness of ITSM's impact on customer experience and satisfaction. This white paper by Isos Technology delves into the complex environment in which IT operates and how it can hinder collaboration between development and operations teams. 
The paper outlines how a single shared platform can be used to overcome these obstacles, bridge the gap between DevOps and ITSM, streamline major incident response and problem management, and create a feedback loop between the two that drives customer value and impacts the bottom line. Additional insights are also included.

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