Adaptive Leadership: how to navigating complex challenges in a rapidly changing world

Adaptive Leadership: Navigating complex challenges in a rapidly changing world


News & Opinions

In this article, Genevieve Michaels of Atlassian discusses adaptive leadership. In a nutshell, it's a collaborative, responsive way of leading that is better suited for our modern age, which is characterized by rapid change and complex challenges. It differs from traditional top-down leadership, which relies on authority and hierarchy.
Adaptive leadership is based on emotional intelligence, organizational justice, ongoing development, and strong character.
Adaptive leaders tap into everyone's beliefs and ideas and help people evolve those beliefs in the face of each new challenge and opportunity.
Adaptive challenges are unexpected, complex, multifaceted challenges that require collaboration from everyone facing the challenge and often require radical change within the organization. 
Here, you can learn why adaptive leadership represents a fundamental paradigm shift from leadership as an individual responsibility to a social, collective process.