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Jira agile boards: Why and how to create swimlanes
PPM & Process Improvement T Tempo Updated May 29, 2023 0


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Swimlanes in Jira is a feature that divides the board into horizontal rows, providing a way to further organize issues in your sprint or project. They can help make the board more manageable and provide a quick way to identify bottlenecks and track the progress of tasks within different categories. In this article, you can explore ideas shared by Old Street Solutions' Marketing Team. 
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Improving Confluence content structure with a healthy Page Tree
Publishing ET Editorial Team Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Confluence is a popular tool for sharing knowledge and collaborating within teams. With its easy-to-use interface and the ability to create pages quickly, it's tempting to rush through the process of creating pages without considering the team's ability to search for content later on. In this article, Teodora explores the importance of creating a healthy page tree in Confluence and offers some valuable tips for doing so. 
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