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Confluence Whiteboards: beta reviewed by Rodney Nissen
PPM & Process Improvement RN Rodney Nissen Updated September 06, 2023 0


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In this review, Rodney explores Confluence Whiteboards, its beta version. Read his post as he delves into its diverse features, limitations, and thoughts on this significant enhancement to Confluence Cloud.
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Improving Confluence content structure with a healthy Page Tree
Publishing ET Editorial Team Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Confluence is a popular tool for sharing knowledge and collaborating within teams. With its easy-to-use interface and the ability to create pages quickly, it's tempting to rush through the process of creating pages without considering the team's ability to search for content later on. In this article, Teodora explores the importance of creating a healthy page tree in Confluence and offers some valuable tips for doing so. 
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The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management
Administration & Migration S ScriptRunner Updated March 09, 2023 0


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Over time, Confluence can become cluttered with outdated content, confusing navigation, and unnecessary information, taking up valuable storage. These issues can cause problems if left unaddressed, making it difficult for users to find the information they need and reducing the overall usefulness of the platform. This guide is a step-by-step plan to help you clean up and reorganize your Confluence content using native features and more advanced tricks with ScriptRunner for Confluence.
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Let's Structure Atlassian Confluence for Success
Publishing K K15t Updated February 15, 2023 0


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Watch this on-demand Livestreatm session to uncover the secrets of effectively organizing your Confluence site. Gain insights from experts, including Matt Reiner of K15t, Gorka Puente of Appfire, and DJ Chung, Senior Product Manager at Confluence & Discovery Organization, as they share their knowledge on structuring spaces, page trees, and pages to make information easy to find for your users.
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4 results - showing 1 - 4