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Advanced Kanban practice guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The Kanban method, originally developed by Toyota Motors in the 1950s, has proven to be a robust set of tools for streamlining and optimizing work within various industries. However, due to its flexibility, many organizations struggle to apply its principles and practices effectively. This white paper aims to enhance organizations' ability to design and evolve a Kanban approach that empowers teams to achieve their business objectives.
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Advanced Scrum Master practice guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The role of the Scrum Master is complex and often misunderstood in organizations adopting the Scrum framework. Becoming an Advanced Scrum Master requires specific abilities to improve the team and the entire Agile/Scrum community. This white paper is designed for ambitious Scrum Masters seeking to advance their skills and expertise. 
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PMO practitioner’s guide
PPM & Process Improvement C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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As you progress in Project Management, you may realize that successful Project Managers have habits and skills that set them apart from average ones. Great Project Managers commit to continuously learning from both the good and the bad, improving their craft over time. This white paper provides valuable lessons to expedite your learning, maximize the value delivered to customers, and reap the benefits of your successful project outcomes. 
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Kanban quick start guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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When new Agile teams with limited experience are formed, they often encounter similar challenges, especially in creating an operational workflow for managing work. To help these teams, we have created a quick start guide that focuses on leveraging the Kanban model and launching the team as quickly as possible. This white paper discusses key factors to consider when selecting an Agile model, the best way to launch a team with minimal effort, an iterative process for optimizing flow, techniques for maintaining and refining a Kanban board, and tactics for addressing inefficient workflow conditions. 
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Agile retrospective quick start guide
PPM & Process Improvement C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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The Sprint Retrospective is a powerful technique within Agile development that enables teams to identify the causes of failures and continuously improve team performance. However, it is often under-utilized due to reasons such as fear of change, fear of failure, or lack of understanding. This white paper aims to provide insights into why the Retrospective is one of the most important tools within an Agile team's toolbox and recommendations for executing it effectively to instill a continuous improvement mindset.
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Scrumban practitioner’s guide
Software Development & DevOps C cprime Updated March 16, 2023 0


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Scrum has become the most popular Agile method, utilized by millions of practitioners worldwide. However, for those who have mastered Scrum, there are still possibilities to enhance its application in pursuit of pushing the boundaries of value, efficiency, and quality. Another framework that has risen significantly in Agile development over the past two decades is Kanban, which has often been compared to Scrum and integrated closely with Scrum teams. Many Agile development teams that have achieved success with Scrum principles have realized they can adopt key elements of Kanban to improve their workflow with minor customizations. ...
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6 results - showing 1 - 6