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The complete guide to jumpstarting automation for Jira Service Management
Automation & Workflows IT Isos Technology Updated July 18, 2023 0


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The whitepaper by Isos Technology focuses on ITSM teams new to automation in Jira Service Management, covering topics such as the native automation features, the basic components of a JSM automation rule, the benefits of implementing automation, and how it can simplify complex ITSM processes like employee onboarding.
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Automation decoded: Bridging fact and fiction
Automation & Workflows IT Isos Technology Updated July 18, 2023 0


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A research report conducted by Appfire, Isos Technology, and Adience analyzes data and insights from over 200 industry leaders and automation experts. It aims to separate fact from fiction and assess the current state of automation and its impact on businesses. 
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2 results - showing 1 - 2