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Modernizing ways of working in the Cloud
Administration & Migration V Valiantys Updated April 08, 2023 0


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  • Webinar / Session
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This webinar helps organizations using on-prem Atlassian Server products transition to Cloud. With the clock counting down to 2024, it is essential to understand the transformative values required to capture throughout the process. The session features a principal analyst from Forrester, who discusses the current strategic Cloud trends and the necessity of modernizing DevOps and DevSecOps. 
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Forrester study: The total economic impact of Atlassian cloud
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated March 21, 2023 0


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This study by Forrester highlights lessons from four customers who migrated from Atlassian's server products to the Cloud and found potential ROI through cost avoidance and SaaS benefits like productivity, scalability, and collaboration. 
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2 results - showing 1 - 2