17 results - showing 1 - 12
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Appdome partnership brings Android & iOS mobile app defense into the Atlassian Bamboo CI/CD Pipeline
Product News Updated April 10, 2024 0
Appdome, a leader in mobile app security, unveiled a new plug-in for Atlassian Bamboo's cloud-based CI/CD service. This plug-in links Appdome's mobile app defense platform with Atlassian's Bamboo CI/CD, making it simple for teams to code, build, test, and sign secure mobile apps seamlessly. This initiative is part of Appdome's commitment to enhancing global mobile app security.
Proactive product request management empowers Cloud Enterprise Admins
Product News Updated September 12, 2023 0
Shadow IT is a pressing issue for enterprises, leading to potential data loss and reduced control over sensitive information. Responding to feedback, Atlassian is introducing a "product requests" feature. This will give admins more control over shadow IT instances within their organizations. 
Custom Domains in Jira Service Management: now in open beta
Product News Updated September 06, 2023 0
Jira Service Management Cloud now offers an open beta for custom domains. This feature allows organizations to use their own branded URL, enhancing brand visibility and improving SEO. The aim is to provide a more accessible, recognizable customer experience, resulting in better self-service and fewer requests to manage.
Introducing Single Sign-On (SSO) for external customers in JSM
Product News Updated September 06, 2023 0
Atlassian has announced that Single Sign-On (SSO) for external customers is now being released. Atlassian is gradually deploying it to all Jira Service Management sites, and if you're eager to jump ahead and activate it immediately, feel free to request it by email.
Understanding the implications: Why Atlassian's Server support end is a call to action
Insights & Opinions Updated September 06, 2023 0
Atlassian is ending support for its server products after February 15, 2024, meaning no more technical support, security updates, or bug fixes. Naturally, Atlassian and most solution partners have been advising customers to migrate to Atlassian's cloud services (or a data center instance) for safety and security, as using unsupported server products poses significant risks. In this Atlassian article, you can read more about those risks.
Atlassian Access introduces Test Policy Feature for enhanced external user security
Product News Updated September 06, 2023 0
In June 2023, Atlassian introduced external user security in Atlassian Access to provide security controls for collaborators outside the company. Responding to user feedback, Atlassian has now added a test policy feature to these security settings. This feature allows users to set up a test policy and add up to five external users for testing before rolling out the security settings to all external users. 
Discover peace of mind with the Atlassian Marketplace's new Privacy & Security Tab
Atlassian News Updated July 19, 2023 0
To enhance the cloud app evaluation process and provide greater transparency and control for customers, the Atlassian team has introduced a dedicated tab on Marketplace cloud app listings: the Privacy & Security tab. It is a centralized resource for accessing partner-provided information about app data management, privacy practices, and detailed security specifications.
Introducing Security in Jira: Track & prioritize vulnerabilities reported by security apps
Product News Updated July 19, 2023 0
Jira Software introduced new security capabilities to help organizations prioritize security and address vulnerabilities more effectively. By partnering with security vendors like Snyk, Mend, Lacework, StackHawk, and JFrog, Jira Software now provides a centralized location within the Security tab to manage vulnerabilities identified by various security tools.
# Exploring possibilities in a safe environment with the Cloud Sandbox
Insights & Opinions Updated July 19, 2023 0
A sandbox serves as a secluded haven in Atlassian software, specifically on Premium or Enterprise Atlassian license plans, replicating your production environment without impacting your live data. In this article, Gal Fatal, an Atlassian expert and community leader, delves into best practices and explores several use cases for the Atlassian Cloud Sandbox. 
Internal developer platforms: What they are and why you need one
Insights & Opinions Updated July 19, 2023 0
In this blog post, Mario Di Francesco from eficode highlights the challenges software developers face in mastering the entire software delivery pipeline, particularly in DevOps. This can lead to cognitive overload and reduced productivity. Successful companies have implemented internal developer platforms (IDPs) to address this issue. 
The new app Stitch It consolidates all your integrations in one place
Product News Updated July 19, 2023 0
According to Adaptavist, “Stitch It is a stand-alone and fully managed tool that consolidates all your integrations, syncs and migrations into one place”. Currently in beta and brought to you by the talented team behind ScriptRunner, Stitch It might be just the app many companies might want to explore. 
Understanding Atlassian app privacy for the Public Sector
Atlassian News Updated April 10, 2023 0
Atlassian values trust and security in its Marketplace and works with app vendors to ensure app security. To increase visibility on security indicators for customers, Atlassian is introducing a new Privacy and Security tab for cloud apps in the Marketplace. 
17 results - showing 1 - 12
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