26 results - showing 25 - 26
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New to Jira Align? See if you are ready.
Product News Updated February 27, 2023 0
Jira Align can help solve many problems organizations face, such as real-time visibility, team-to-strategy alignment, etc. And all of it “at scale.” But anything that requires “at scale” improvement is usually not plug-and-play, and neither is Jira Align. It’s only for some organizations to tackle. 
Atlassian’s Q2 FY23 letter to shareholders and customers
Atlassian News Updated February 22, 2023 0
Take a moment to go through this communication from the Co-CEOs of Atlassian. Alongside sharing financial updates, this letter highlights Atlassian's future product plans. Furthermore, it sheds light on the latest developments in ITSM and much more.
26 results - showing 25 - 26
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