2 results - showing 1 - 2
Five standardization essentials for Portfolio agility
Insights & Opinions Updated March 10, 2023 0
In this article, Jessica Piikkila, a Solution Architect at Atlassian, offers valuable insights and guidance for agile teams looking to scale their practices effectively. She draws on her extensive experience as an agile coach to explore agile organizations' challenges when attempting to standardize practices and ceremonies. 
New to Jira Align? See if you are ready.
Product News Updated February 27, 2023 0
Jira Align can help solve many problems organizations face, such as real-time visibility, team-to-strategy alignment, etc. And all of it “at scale.” But anything that requires “at scale” improvement is usually not plug-and-play, and neither is Jira Align. It’s only for some organizations to tackle. 
2 results - showing 1 - 2